Population Institute (PI) is an international non-profit (registered 501(c)(3) organization) that seeks to promote universal access to family planning information, education, and services. Through voluntary family planning, we strive to achieve a world population in balance with a healthy global environment and resource base. PI was established in 1969 and is located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.
The Population Institute’s Global Media Awards are designed to encourage greater media coverage of population and development issues. The awards honor those who have contributed to creating awareness of population problems through their outstanding journalistic endeavors. The awards serve to encourage editors, news directors, and journalists to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of population issues and to stimulate high standards for journalism on global issues.
- Entries must contain nominee’s complete contact information : name, address, phone, and e-mail.
- Entries must be accompanied by a brief description of the entry and a justification explaining why it should be considered for a Global Media Award.
- English translations must accompany entries in other languages.
- Applicants must submit four printed copies of their submissions.
Selection Criteria
Entries will be evaluated on their potential to educate and inform policymakers or the general public about issues related
to population growth. The jury will score entries on the following criteria.
Is the program reporting:
- Accurate and fair?
- Easily understood by the targeted audience?
- Offer a new or enhanced perspective on the subject of population?
- Relevant to the public policy debate on population or public understanding of issues related to population?
- Well-presented?
How to Submit
Entries must be sent to:
Global Media Awards Program
Population Institute
107 Second Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Please submit justification for award, the name of the media outlet and the date of its use, along with 4 copies of the project being considered. For more information contact Jennie Wetter: (202) 544-3300 ext. 108; e-mail jwetter@populationinstitute.org