Nominations for the UNEP Sasakawa Prize 2011 are now open with the theme “Forest for People, Forests for Green Growth”, in support of 2011 as the International Year of the Forests.
The winner will receive $200,000 cash prize at an Award Ceremony and Reception to be held in February 2011, in Nairobi, Kenya.
We’re looking to recognize and reward the project that has the most significant socio-environmental impact as framed by the theme, such as projects that:
* Promote the conservation and sustainable management of forests
* Contribute to a meaningful reduction in carbon emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation
* Maintain forest ecosystems to improve resilience to climate change
* Support pro-poor development, especially among forest-dependent communities
* Conserve biodiversity and help secure ecosystem services
Nominations will be accepted until 30 September.
Nominate now
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